The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson - by R.W. Emerson Institute, Jim Manley, Director -

Category Events and Conferences

The following events and conferences for 2005 are listed below. Additions and Corrections will be made as required.

May 26-29 Annual meeting of the American Literature Association in Boston
Sessions on Emerson include “Reconsidering The Conduct of Life” and Emersonian Delemmas: Individual and Community”
For further information see

July 7-10 Annual meeting of the Thoreau Society in Concord, MA. Also see

Looking ahead to 2006
July 13-16 at St. Catherine College, Oxford University, England
Transatlanticism in American Literature: Emerson, Hawthorne and Poe
(Papers due Sept. 15, 2005)

Those having an Emerson Event or Conference to place in this space should send all relevant information to RWE Advisor

Events & Conferences

RWE Events & Conferences The following events and conferences for 2005 are listed below. Additions and Corrections will be made as required. May 26-29 Annual meeting of the American Literature Association in Boston Sessions on Emerson include "Reconsidering The Conduct…

The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson