The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson - by R.W. Emerson Institute, Jim Manley, Director -

Ralph Waldo Emerson Institute Mission

The Ralph Waldo Emerson Institute (RWEI) is incorporated not-for-profit in the State of New York. The mission of RWEI is to promote to a global audience a greater understanding of and appreciation for the life and work of Ralph Waldo Emerson. The primary means of reaching this goal is through this web site ( and through the online and offline activities of the Institute. The Institute’s affiliations with The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society and the Ralph Waldo Emerson Memorial Association help to further this mission.

In February, 2005, when the new site went on line over 50,000 visitors logged on to from 82 different countries, indicating that the global mission of the Institute is indeed being met.

The Institute welcomes donations (tax deductable) and seeks to encourage interested persons to support the work of maintaining the web site and to take an active part in exploring the life and work of America’s Founding Thinker.

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Thank you for your help
in our ongoing work.
Jim Manley, Director
Ralph Waldo Emerson Institute, Webmaster


The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson