Volume I – Nature, Addresses & Lectures
Volume II – Essays I
I. History |
II. Self-Reliance |
III. Compensation |
IV. Spiritual Laws |
V. Love |
VI Friendship |
VII. Prudence |
VIII Heroism |
IX. The Over-Soul |
X. Circles |
XI. Intellect |
XII. Art |
Volume III – Essays II
I The Poet |
II Experience |
III Character |
IV Manners |
V Gifts |
VI Nature |
VII Politics |
VIII Nominalist and Realist |
IX New England Reformers |
Volume IV – Representative Men
Uses of Great Men |
Plato; or, the Philosopher |
Swedenborg; or, the Mystic |
Montaigne; or, the Skeptic |
Shakspeare; or, the Poet |
Napoleon; or, the Man of the World |
Goethe; or, the Writer |
Volume V – English Traits
Volume VI – Conduct of Life