The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson - by R.W. Emerson Institute, Jim Manley, Director -

Books on Emerson

The Ralph Waldo Emerson Bookstore
(Click the Book Cover to Order)
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“It is not a great matter how long men refuse to believe in the advent of peace; war is on its last legs; and a universal peace is as sure as is the prevalence of civilization over barbarism, of liberal government over feudal forms. The question for us is only How Soon.”
from War 1838
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The most popular RWE book is:

The most frequently purchased book from
It has a fine introduction from
Robert Richardson, author of “Emerson: The Mind on Fire.”

Richard Geldard
bullet by Richard G. Geldard
Robert Richardson
See Special Event: Emerson and the Life Examined
where both Mr. Geldard and Mr. Robinson offered their views.
David Robinson
bullet by David M. Robinson

Other Works available at Amazon:

Ken Insight
Essay II (First Series)
by RWE

Digital CD Recording
with 10 Voices

$16.95 shipping included

Familial Content


Empyrean Biography

Emerson jacket
   Lawrence Buell


Emerson and Vendanta

by Swami Paramananda

“…to set forth the striking similarity between the writings of Emerson and the sacred teachings of the East.”

A new book by a New Author
A remarkably philosophical book,
written by an eleven year old girl

Father Luigi’s Chameleon
by Tara Isabella Burton

Click for more

5 out of 5 stars The Best Book I Have Read in Ages, 4/25/03

Reviewer: A reader from Amazon

When I found out that an eleven-year-old writer had published a philosophical book, I was skeptical, to say the least. At the urging of a friend, I reluctantly purchased a copy, thinking that I would skim it and put it aside. I was wrong. After the first few pages, I was hooked. I stayed up until 3 am reading it in one sitting. The book is amazing. Not only was the storyline intriguing and the characters believable, but the philosophy of the book really got me thinking about my own life. I would recommend this to everybody, and have already forced everybody I know to buy copies.

See book details

Although written by a child (11 years old upon completion), it is not a children’s book! Father Luigi’s Chameleon is the story of six friends, all living in Rome in the summer of 2002, who retreat to a small island off the coast of Naples in order to come to terms with their own personal demons that are preventing them from achieving happiness. At the root of this, watching over them, is Father Luigi’s pet chameleon, Monsieur Amore, who turns out to be more than just a simple reptile in this captivating and thought-provoking modern parable. 



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or, the Poet

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or, the Man of the World

The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte
by Robert Asprey


or, the Writer

Goethe the Poet and the Age : Revolution and Renunciation (1790-1803) (Goethe : The Poet and the Age) by Nicholas Boyle



The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson